Are you experiencing numbness in your hand? Maybe you have a weakness in your hand or arm? Maybe you are even feeling a difference in temperature with one arm compared to the other.
These are some of the symptoms patients may feel when they have thoracic outlet syndrome. You may not be feeling all of them, but that’s why a physiotherapist needs to test and see whether this is the condition you are suffering from.
If it has been confirmed, the following is good to know:
1. What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?
It is a compression of the neural (maybe also the vascular) structures which exit from the neck and down the arm. Due to other underlying factors there are 2 bones which sandwich the nerve structures exiting your neck. This leads to those nerves being irritated and you feeling those symptoms.

2. How do I get rid of this?
The physio will need to thoroughly asses and understand what is the cause of the thoracic outlet syndrome for you personally. But the following are some things which will be very helpful
- Ice – ice will help reduce the nerve irritation and swelling which will then reduce your symptoms
- General movement – movement is the best thing for your body as this will reduce joint stiffness and therefore increase the space between the two bones – taking pressure off the nerves
- Avoid overhead movements – movements of the arm above the shoulder-height results in the two bones coming closer together and irritated the nerves more. So as much as possible, avoid this for now. You will be able to do it more and more as your symptoms subside and stabilise.
The most important thing is to get this treated by a physiotherapist as they will be able to determine the underlying causes, tailor the rehab program specific to you and get you back to doing what you love doing as fast as possible.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this condition further, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team, as we will be able to assist you on your journey.
You can give us a ring or book online through our website.