Tips, tricks and resources to keep you moving well

What does smoking have to do with my injury?
Did you know that smoking impairs the way our body heals? It can delay healing by even double the duration. If quoting is hard, even try reducing the number of cigarettes by just 2 per day. Read on to find out more.

Osteoporosis: A Deeper Dive into Bone Health
Osteoporosis is not as daunting as you’d think. You can really take control of your life with some simple yet very strong and pivotal things. Have a read of the blog to see what you can do to get a hold of your osteoporosis as well as see how physiotherapy can assist you on this journey.

Understanding the Link Between Diabetes Mellitus and Musculoskeletal Injuries
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterised primarily by high levels of glucose in the blood due to issues with insulin production or function, diabetes can lead to a wide range of health complications. Read on to learn more.

Pilates – a holistic approach to wellbeing
Pilates has to be one of the greatest forms of exercise. If you think about it, it encompasses everything – strength, mobility, precision! It’s a great balance between low load while still being quite challenging. Read on to find out more!

Sleep Hygiene – what even is it?
Sleep Hygiene is so important for our everyday lives. it helps us concentrate during the day as well as have good motivation and good mood levels. read on how you can improve your sleep hygiene.

Understanding Rotator Cuff Tears – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Shoulder pain can be troublesome and debilitating. But it can be treated, and it can be treated quite quickly. Read on to see what your options could be.

Exercising During Pregnancy: A Path to A Healthy Mother and Bub
Can I exercise while I am pregnant? Is it safe? How much can I exercise? Is strength training bad? There are so many questions about exercise while pregnant, and with a rapidly progressing medical world, it’s really important to stay up to date with the best research and facts. Read on to find out more!

Understanding Shin Splints and the Role of Physiotherapy in Treatment
Shin splints are debilitating. They cause so much pain and stop us from doing what we love. But you don’t have to quit or just ‘push through the pain.’ We can help you continue doing all that you love and more! How good is that! Read on to find out more.

Trust me, the hip and ankle are affecting the knee!
The knee is one of the most commonly injured areas of the body. Especially in different sporting environments as well as we get older. But something that is so commonly forgotten and missed is the hip. The hip and the ankle very commonly effect the knee, by putting too much pressure on it.

Whiplash Associated Disorder – Mastering insights and Strategies
After a car accident, it is widespread to have Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD), which can be pretty painful in the neck, the lower back or both. Read on to learn more about this challenging condition – there is hope in physiotherapy.

Taping in Physiotherapy – Kinesiology Taping and Strapping
We use many different types of tapes for various reasons. You can just read on to discover the two most common types and why we use them.

Unlocking the Potential of Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is extremely underrated and not explored much due to its newness in the medical world. Read our blog to see what we use laser therapy in our clinic for, the benefits, and how you can really take advantage of this service!

Navigating the Swirling Depths of BPPV: Understanding and Overcoming Vertigo
Have you ever experienced a sudden bout of vertigo, a disorienting sensation that feels like the world is spinning around you, lasting for only 20-50

Rheumatoid Arthritis – What is it? What can I do?
Rheumatoid Arthritis, referred to as RA, is not your average joint troublemaker; it’s a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease that requires serious attention. In this exploration

Exercises – Do I still need them after being discharged by physio?
Physiotherapy is a valuable resource for individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or managing chronic conditions. We, as physios, help patients regain strength, mobility, and functionality

Lower Back Pain – What can I do about it?
Lower Back Pain is perhaps one of the least understood conditions amongst the general population yet one of the most debilitating. All of us have

Ice Vs Heat – What gives?
Over the years it has been a hotly (no pun intended) debated topic on when to use ICE or HEAT as a form of treatment.

Understanding Plantar Fasciopathy, Beyond Plantar Fasciitis
As physios, one of the most common conditions we see is plantar-fasciopathy. While many people still refer to it as plantar fasciitis, the medical community

Understanding and Managing Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Practical Guide
One of the most common conditions we come across is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), often referred to as “runner’s knee” or “jumper’s knee.” This condition

Understanding the Types of Weber Ankle Fractures and Their Management
Ankle Fractures are so complex! So thats why we at Agape Physiotherapy use a very thorough approach to give you the best outcomes. We use the Weber Fracture Classification Tool to help us diagnose your fracture and help you rehabilitate your injury.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – How Can Physio Help?
Have you got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? Maybe your doctor has told you to go for surgery? There is a better option – Physiotherapy. In physiotherapy we assess to see exactly what are the contributors to your condition. From there we are able to effectively and efficiently treat the condition

PEACE and LOVE – The New and Improved RICE
Have you just injured yourself? Some people think time will heal everything, but in reality, if I could give you a tool to get you healed faster and better, would you not take it? That tool is physiotherapy—read on to find out how.

Breath Power Unleashed: Master Your Sports Performance with Secret Breathing Techniques!
Are you wanting to improve your breathing? Did you know that professional athletes actually focus on their breath work in order to improve their performance – the athletes in NBA, UFC, Soccer, and Running all focus on this.

ITB Syndrome – am I missing something?
Have you got pain on the outside of your knee? Is it stopping you from running, playing sports, or just living your everyday life? ITB Syndrome could be the condition you are suffering from! Read on to find out how to resolve this for good.