Acupuncture is an ancient technique developed through Traditional Chinese Medicine. The acupuncture needles are placed in specific spots within the body which are primarily used to open up the patient’s energy flow/chi. Chinese Medicine believes the body is made up of two energy flows – yin and yang. And acupuncture is used to correct that balance between the two thus aiding in pain management and stress relief.
Dry Needling aims to reduce pain and restore function via releasing myofascial trigger points (muscle knots) and stimulating the body’s own pain-relieving means within the nervous system. It also attracts blood-flow to the area which flushes out any toxins (lactic acid, inflammatory chemicals, etc.) while bringing new oxygen and new nutrients. Research provides good evidence in the treatment of acute and chronic back and neck pain, tension-type and migraine headaches, pelvic girdle pain, knee osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, and shoulder conditions.
Being taught in Australia, physiotherapists generally will use a mix of both depending on the condition. Agape Physiotherapy is no different. Upon hearing you and assessing your injury we will determine which is best for you to provide you with the best evidenced-based results. There is good research to show that acupuncture and dry needling aid in recovery in combination with other evidence-based treatments. So why wouldn’t you?
It does feel like a normal needle being placed into the body. Occasionally, the physio will do a simple technique called ‘pecking’ which is to peck at the muscle in order to get rid of those muscle knots.
In summary, dry needling and acupuncture are safe and effective modalities in order to calm down muscle tension and spasming, reduce pain, and promote healing in the human body. Research shows good evidence in addition to other evidenced based physiotherapy treatments.
So thats it there – You learn a new thing every day! have a great day 🙂