Agape Physio can treat...

Strains and Sprains

Muscle strains, also known as pulled muscles, occur when muscle fibres are overstretched or torn. This injury often happens during physical activity, when a muscle is forcefully stretched beyond its limits or subjected to sudden, excessive force. Muscle strains can range from mild discomfort to severe injuries that limit mobility. Here’s an overview of muscle strains, the symptoms they may present, and how physiotherapy can aid in recovery.

About this condition

A muscle strain is an injury to a muscle or its attaching tendons. Strains can occur in any muscle, but they are most common in the lower back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring, as these areas are susceptible to strain in various activities.

What you may be feeling

  • Pain in the affected muscle, especially when the muscle is stretched or used.
  • Swelling, bruising, or redness due to the injury.
  • Muscle weakness or inability to use the muscle at all.
  • In more severe cases, a “popping” sensation at the time of injury.
  • Limited range of motion in the affected area.

How we can help you

RICE Protocol

Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation are often recommended in the initial phase following a strain to manage pain and swelling.

Pain Management

Modalities such as heat therapy, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation may be used to relieve pain and promote healing.

Manual Therapy

Techniques like massage and gentle stretching can help relieve tension and improve flexibility in the affected muscle and surrounding tissues.

Exercise Therapy

A structured program of exercises will be introduced to gradually rebuild strength in the affected muscle. This includes range of motion exercises, stretching, and gradually progressing to strengthening exercises as healing permits.


Guidance on how to modify activities and prevent future strains, including warm-up and stretching techniques, proper posture, and ergonomic adjustments in daily activities or sports.

Functional Training

As recovery progresses, the focus shifts to functional exercises that mimic daily activities or sports-specific movements to ensure a safe return to these activities.

So, what next?

The treatment plan for a muscle strain is tailored to the severity of the injury, the specific muscle involved, and the individual’s needs and goals. It’s crucial to follow the physiotherapist’s recommendations and progress gradually through the stages of rehabilitation to ensure a full and safe return to activity. With appropriate management, most people recover fully from muscle strains and can return to their normal activities without lasting effects.