Agape Physio can treat...

Spinal Surgery Rehabilitation

The type of spinal surgery (e.g., discectomy, laminectomy, spinal fusion, etc.) and the specific spinal level(s) involved dictate the rehabilitation approach. Here’s a general overview of the rehabilitation process following spinal surgery.

About this condition

What you may be feeling

How we can help you

So, what next?

Physiotherapy is vital for successful rehabilitation following spinal surgery. A structured physiotherapy programme helps patients restore strength, flexibility, and mobility in the spine and surrounding muscles. Physiotherapists guide patients through targeted exercises and activities designed to improve posture, reduce pain, and prevent future injuries. Additionally, physiotherapy aids in managing scar tissue, enhancing neural function, and promoting overall spinal health. By providing personalised care and support, physiotherapy enables patients to gradually return to their daily routines and activities with improved function and reduced discomfort. This comprehensive approach is essential for achieving optimal recovery and long-term spinal health after surgery.