Agape Physio can treat...

Caesarean or Perineal Scar Management

Caesarean or perineal scars from childbirth can lead to discomfort and restricted movement if not properly managed. Symptoms include tenderness, tightness, and emotional distress. We offer specialised physiotherapy treatments including scar massage, stretching exercises, pain management strategies, and emotional support to promote healing and improve physical and emotional well-being.

About this condition

Caesarean (C-section) or perineal scars result from surgical procedures during childbirth. A C-section involves an incision through the abdomen and uterus to deliver a baby, while perineal scars occur from tears or episiotomies (surgical cuts) made in the perineum during vaginal delivery. These scars can cause discomfort, restricted movement, and emotional distress if not properly managed. Scar tissue can adhere to underlying tissues, leading to pain and functional limitations.

What you may be feeling

If you have a caesarean or perineal scar, you might experience symptoms such as tenderness, pain, itching, or numbness around the scar area. There may be a feeling of tightness or pulling, and you might notice restricted movement or difficulty performing certain activities. For perineal scars, you could also experience discomfort during sexual intercourse or while sitting. Emotional impacts, such as feelings of distress or self-consciousness about the appearance of the scar, are also common.

How we can help you

Scar Massage and Mobilisation

We use hands-on techniques to gently massage and mobilise the scar tissue, helping to reduce adhesions, improve tissue flexibility, and alleviate discomfort.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

We design personalised exercise programs to improve the flexibility and strength of the surrounding muscles, enhancing overall function and reducing tightness.

Pain Management Strategies

We provide techniques to help manage pain and discomfort associated with scar tissue, including the use of heat, cold, and other modalities.

Education and Self-Care Guidance

We educate you on how to care for your scar at home, including safe massage techniques, stretches, and exercises to promote healing and prevent complications.

Emotional Support

We offer support to help you cope with the emotional aspects of scar management, addressing any concerns or anxieties you may have.

So, what next?

Our goal is to help you achieve optimal recovery and comfort, improving your physical and emotional well-being. If you are experiencing issues with a caesarean or perineal scar, contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to recovery.