Agape Physio can treat...

Bowel Dysfunction

Bowel dysfunction encompasses issues like constipation and fecal incontinence, affecting daily life and causing discomfort. Symptoms include abdominal pain and difficulty controlling bowel movements. We offer specialised physiotherapy treatments including pelvic floor rehabilitation, biofeedback therapy, manual therapy, diet and lifestyle advice, behavioural strategies, and education to manage symptoms and improve bowel health.

About this condition

Bowel dysfunction refers to a range of issues related to the digestive system, including constipation, faecal incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and difficulty in controlling bowel movements. These problems can arise due to factors such as muscle weakness, nerve damage, hormonal changes, or underlying medical conditions. Bowel dysfunction can significantly impact daily life, causing discomfort and distress.

What you may be feeling

If you have bowel dysfunction, you might experience symptoms such as chronic constipation, characterised by infrequent or difficult bowel movements. Alternatively, you might struggle with faecal incontinence, where you are unable to control bowel movements, leading to accidental leakage. Other symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloating, a sense of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement, and a frequent or urgent need to defecate. These symptoms can lead to discomfort, embarrassment, and a decrease in quality of life.

How we can help you

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

We design personalised exercise programmes to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which play a key role in bowel control. These exercises can help improve muscle coordination and support bowel function.

Biofeedback Therapy

We use biofeedback techniques to help you learn how to control and strengthen the muscles involved in bowel movements. This can enhance muscle function and improve bowel control.

Manual Therapy

Our physiotherapists may use hands-on techniques to relieve tension and improve mobility in the pelvic area, supporting better bowel function.

Diet and Lifestyle Advice

We provide guidance on dietary changes, hydration, and lifestyle modifications to promote regular bowel movements and reduce symptoms.

Behavioural Strategies

We offer techniques to manage bowel habits, such as timed voiding and strategies to prevent straining during bowel movements.

Education and Support

We educate you on the anatomy and function of the bowel and pelvic floor, empowering you with the knowledge and tools to manage your condition effectively.

So, what next?

Our goal is to help you achieve better bowel control, reduce symptoms, and improve your quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms of bowel dysfunction, contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to better bowel health.