Agape Physio can treat...


Physiotherapy aims to empower patients with spondylolisthesis to manage their symptoms effectively and maintain an active lifestyle while minimising the risk of further injury. With a focus on education, strength, flexibility, and pain management, patients can achieve significant improvements in their quality of life.

About this condition

Spondylolisthesis is a condition where one of the vertebrae in the spine slips out of its proper position onto the bone below it. This can occur in any part of the spine but is most common in the lower back (lumbar spine). There are different types of spondylolisthesis, often categorized by their cause, such as degenerative (most common in adults due to wear and tear), isthmic (often due to a stress fracture in the vertebra), congenital (present at birth), or traumatic (resulting from a direct injury to the spine).

What you may be feeling

The symptoms of spondylolisthesis vary depending on the severity and location of the slippage. Patients may experience:
  • Lower back pain, which can be exacerbated by activity and relieved by rest.
  • Hamstring tightness, leading to changes in gait or difficulty walking.
  • Sciatic-like pain that radiates down the legs due to nerve compression.
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the lower extremities.
  • In severe cases, loss of bladder or bowel control, indicating cauda equina syndrome, a medical emergency.

How we can help you

Exercise Programs

Tailored exercises aimed at strengthening the core and lumbar stabilising muscles to support the spine. Flexibility exercises for the hamstrings and lower back can also help alleviate tension and reduce pain.

Manual Therapy

Gentle spinal mobilisations performed by the physiotherapist can help relieve pain and improve spinal mobility without exacerbating the condition.

Postural Education

Teaching patients proper body mechanics and posture to avoid further slippage and manage symptoms.

Pain Management

Techniques such as heat therapy, ice packs, and electrical stimulation to reduce pain and inflammation.

Activity Modification Advice

Guidance on how to modify daily activities and exercise routines to protect the spine and prevent worsening of the slippage.